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The Academy offers a large array of consulting services encompassing all aspects of Engineering Geology and Geo technological Engineering in infrastructure projects. With the enviable in-house expertise, the academy is fully geared up to deliver quality projects in briefest possible time frames. In particular, the following personnel and technical support make quality solutions happen expeditiously.
Strong, well experienced, and reputed professional team of engineering geologists, and geotechnical engineers in supervisory role.
Well trained field geologists capable of data collection, mapping, logging, and all other site specific investigation and construction requirements.
Cad experts doing more than full justice to the drawing requirements.
State-of-the-art software for efficient data processing and high quality outputs.
Expertise in drafting of projects reports.
High level expertise in pursuing techno-economic clearances from government authorities.
Besides other allied disciplines, the Academy offers consulting services in the following main areas.
Consulting services in Engineering Geology, Geotechnical Engineering, Mineral Exploration, and allied disciplines are offered for Pre-feasibility, Feasibility, Detailed, Construction Stage and Operation & Maintenance Stage infrastructure projects like hydropower, water supply & irrigation, multipurpose tunnels, highways, landslides, design seismic parameters, mineral investigation, etc.
Besides the following main Services, the Academy is open to services in allied disciplines.
Full-fledged project investigations in different stages encompassing field, laboratory, desktop, and techno-economic clearances.
Surface geological mapping and data collection for subsequent rock mass characterization.
Geological logging of drifts, tunnels, subsurface excavations, drill holes, etc.
Miscellaneous jobs involving expert engineering geology and geotechnical engineering work.
Consulting in allied disciplines like geophysical investigations, remote sensing studies, etc.
Consulting in mineral investigation and exploration.